速報APP / 工具 / W Online Log and Notifier - Last Seen, O

W Online Log and Notifier - Last Seen, O





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Tiara Kelana

W Online Log and Notifier - Last Seen, Online Time(圖1)-速報App

23rd June 2019: Our major system upgrade has completed! App performance has greatly improved! Enjoy better tracking accuracy!

W Online Log and Notifier helps you keep track of WhatsApp online usage.


- Keep track of your own online time

- Keep track of your children online time to make sure they are not addicted to WhatsApp

W Online Log and Notifier - Last Seen, Online Time(圖2)-速報App

- Keep track of your workers to make sure they are doing work and not playing WhatsApp all day


- Monitor multiple numbers

- Works even without "Last seen" on WhatsApp

- Receive notifications when number comes online

W Online Log and Notifier - Last Seen, Online Time(圖3)-速報App

- Receives notification when number goes offline (BETA / EXPERIMENTAL)

Digital additiction is a rising and serious problem and is thought to be linked to social anxiety, depression and poor social skills. Prevent addiction to WhatsApp by monitoring WhatsApp usage and online time and encourage more face-to-face conversations.

W Online Log and Notifier - Last Seen, Online Time(圖4)-速報App